Friday, December 21, 2007

Harried Holidays

I feel like every year I try to get through the Holidays in some organized, peaceful manner. Sure I encounter lots of sporadic get-togethers and Christmas parties and I try to attend all of them, while still going about my daily routines, and running my life like I normally do. And yet, every year I end up missing out on stuff, and adding in things that I don't need to do, and then just completely giving up when it comes down to the wire.

For instance, this year I'm travelling home tonight and I wanted to make sure my room was clean and that I packed everything correctly. So instead of staying home last night and taking the time to do it right. I went out to a mini-reunion of sorts and didn't get home until 10:30 pm.
The night before I could've packed/cleaned but instead I baked cookies for my office - for no real reason (we weren't having a pot luck or anything). The night before that I was supposed to go out to a meeting of friends and I bailed to write cards and buy presents, which I did - but each night of the week I went to sleep at a very late hour, and consequently I am now running on a sleep deficit. Which is never good when I am on my way home to stay with my parents (yikes!)

I think I have everything packed that I could need though, and I did get through it! So now I am just looking ahead to all of the good things! My parents are puppy-sitting for one of my Mom's friends, so I will get to play with Jazzy all week :). Also we have our own dog, Pepper, who is just too adorable for words, and she loves me! So it should be great....add to that, I am expecting a Guitar Hero present for Christmas and it should be a Rockin' Holiday!

I'm sure I'll blog more in my boredom over the break, but in case I don't - Have a Merry Christmas! And a Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Milk & Honey - A review

Last night I went out with my friend Bex and two out of town friends to a bar called "Milk & Honey". The buzz on this place was that it was semi-exclusive - you have to call to make reservations, and if the place gets too popular they change their phone number. Somehow my friend got the number and we all headed down to 134 Eldridge St. ( the door is unmarked).

I have to say - for as pretentious as this place could have been - it was surprisingly not so. And they made an awesome drink that I love to order but rarely do, because, for all it's simplicity - no one ever gets it right. It's called the Bee's Knees and it's made with the following ingredients:

2 oz gin3/4 oz honey syrup1/2 oz fresh lemon juice

So it was really great! I totally recommend this place- it's a little more expensive than normal but it's a nice place to have on reserve for a 'special occasion'.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Looking Forward to Christmas and New Music!

So wow, it's Christmas time again! I love, love, love this time of year. I really like Christmas songs so I will be putting my iPod on Holiday repeat!

As I posted last time, I'm working at Music company now, and I've been walking to work everyday because it's almost as fast as using the trains when you factor in wait time. Thus, because of all my above-groundness, I've really been noticing all of the decorations this year. They just lit the Rock Center tree on Wed. night and the city is in full xmas swing now!
Speaking of the Rock Center tree lighting... did anyone else notice Natasha Bedingfield skip a verse of Holy Night? She missed her cue and came in early at the end of the song and she quickly looked back to the pianist and he started (almost seamlessly) playing the part that she was on. It was kind of rough.

Anyways, I am looking forward to the Holidays, My company has a winter recess where they close down the office for the week between Christmas and New Year's so I am definitely going home this year. I can't wait!

Favorite New Song of the Week:

As You Wish by Aquaduct -
Pleeeeease, I beg you for my life,
For true love waits,
You see I must survive,
Good nite, sleep well, (I've got work to do)
I'll probably kill you in the morning.

But for tonite (pleeease)
I beg you for life,
For true love waits,
You see I must survive,
Good nite, sleep well,
I'll probably kill you in the morning,
But for tonite...

As you wish,
Hearts and candy glitter and gold, is what
I'm dreamin' of.
As you wish,
Reeses peanut butter cup, is what
I'm waitin' for,
As you wish,
Certainly upon my return, my love won't be ignored.

To the vein,
First I'll cut your feet of and then,
the hands above your arms.
To the vein,
Next you'll lose your eyes, it goes, every thing,
it has to go.
To the vein,
Except your ears, you wanna hear people scream:
"Dear God what is that thing?"

Their Myspace page is here.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Gator Basketball Begins (Began...)

I haven't had a chance to watch any games yet - but my Dad has given me some pretty good play-by-plays. I've been thinking of buying ESPN's Gameplan, but I'm not sure if I'll use it enough to justify the extra $40 dollars.... I did catch the Ohio State v/ UNC game last night - I still hate Hansborough :) . And I'm looking forward to league play...

Favorite Song Lyric of the moment: "Of course I've had it in my ear before" from Lust for Life by Iggy Pop

Friday, November 16, 2007

Musings from Mid-November

Ok - I kind of hate those blog posts that start - "I know I haven't posted in a while - but I've been so crazy!!". And I don't even feel like it's been that long, I post on average, once or twice a week. It's been two weeks since my last post, so I'm not too far behind. Plus, I recently discovered that no one really reads this - so who cares?! Actually, that discovery (that no one reads) is kind of freeing. The whole point of blogs (I've thought) is that you can post your feelings anonymously - and so "the world" gets an un-censored 'you'. Blogs to me have always been a way to vicariously live another life almost. Or at least to feel solidarity if me and the blogger are leading the same crappy life :) .

Anyways, I haven't posted recently not because I was 'so' busy - it was just that I didn't really have a 'set' topic and felt all this lame pressure to post something fun. No more! I'm gonna post what I would normally post in my journal/diary from now on. Plus maybe some mini-reviews of musicals from 1929.

So let's get started!

Last night I went to Haru with my friend Lo (it was her Birthday). I was feeling sick though so I didn't stay long. It was fun - I found out Lo's boyfriend thinks I hate him (for no reason! - I like him I swear!) , and that sometimes I'm funnier than I intend to be. Lo and I were at the bf's apt. one day (he was out golfing), we were baking pies and watching "The Flight of the Conchords" and it was a great day. When the bf came home he looked tired and he went straight to the bathroom for a shower. I just thought - if it were my apt. and I was tired and sweaty and I don't get to see Lo that often, I would want Lo's third wheel friend to leave! :) I mean I thought I was being polite, and nice even, but he thought I didn't want to hang out with him. Oh well, I'm going to try extra hard next time I see him to assure him that I do not dislike him at all!

Also last night it was me, Lo, Lo's roommate Tiff, our friend Kyle, and two other fun gay boys. So we were all drinking our little pomegranate martini's and having a pretty good time. More people were on their way and I was feeling not so good so I was about to leave, and I look over at Steve who has what looks like a date book out and he is organizing his business cards. John, across from me, looks over at Steve and goes "Who do you know at Men's Wearhouse?" and I looked at John and with a wink I said "Who doesn't he know??!" and John just busted out laughing! I was really surprised my little quip hit so hard. But he was so tickled. When he could, he asked do you know something I don't? Or were you joking? And I was like, no no! Just a joke. But it was really funny....also, while typing this I just now realized it is wear and not ware - house - which makes perfect punning sense - I just never paid attention. I feel like Jessica Simpson.

More later
xoxo Gossipgirl Lynn!

Friday, November 2, 2007

An (Almost) Perfect Night.

So, I don't know if I've told you about my love of music, but I love music. Some days the discovery of new music occupies me for hours. I go from new bands, to their new/well-known producers, and then to the producers new albums and so forth. It's quite a time-consuming little loop. Anyways, I say all this to preface this next admission, which is that I am a big fan of John Mayer's music. I've liked him for a long time, and saw him for the first time in 2001 in a tiny little whole-in-the-wall bar in Gainesville, FL (Go Gators!) for free. I definitely thought he was pretty good then, and his recent forays into blues and with the John Mayer Trio have only strengthened my opinion of him. So I'm a fan I guess a more succinct person would say.

Last night, I had tickets to go see a free screening of "Walk Hard" and I was really looking forward to it! It's the newest movie out from Judd Apatow ("Superbad, Knocked Up") and I had invited some friends to join in the funny. Then, about an hour before I was to head over to the movies, my friend Lo asked me a) what was I wearing and b) did I have plans? I told her I was wearing jeans and that I was going to see a v. funny movie! To which she replied that she had an extra ticket to go see Cyrano de Bergerac in an hour and if I wanted to come I should hurry home and get changed! Luckily I live near the Theatre District so quickly accepted and then ran around town like a crazy person.
I had to hurry to the 42nd St. Movie Theaters, give my friends my ticket/flier thing, run to my house, change into "nice clothes", and then run to meet my friend at......Opening Night!!! Awesome- and I had no idea! Of course, Lo thought I knew that that was why she told me to dress nice. So anyways, we met outside and proceeded to walk past the red carpet where Ben Affleck (!) and David Cronenberg where being interviewed. There were tons of other celebs (Maxwell, Kathie Lee Gifford, Glenn Close, etc.) there too but I only saw those Ben and David. Now, I've been to a couple of openings before but this one I was really excited about. I love Jennifer Garner (I'm a big Alias fan) and I adore Kevin Kline as well - I once served him a latte at the Starbucks I used to work at! We go way back. Also Cyrano is a great play, and I've been lucky enough to have had to study it in both French and English so it's one that I know well (I feel like I enjoy familiar plays more). I was pretty hyper the whole time, and the show was great! It was really funny and well-paced, the sets were stunning, and I thought Jennifer was enchanting. However, If I'm being completely honest, while I really enjoyed watching her performance, it was a little inconsistent as far as tone and dialect go. Although when Lo and I talked about this she thought that a lot of that could be due to the directing (and she's the Theatre expert!). As far as everyone else- I thought Kevin was a-mazing!!! Really. I'm getting teary right now remembering his last few scenes. And Chris Sarandon was very amusing as well (he was the evil prince from Princess Bride!) and he plays the evil Comte de Guiche here (always evil!). And I don't know about you - but the entire cast of the Princess Bride will always have a special place in my heart. All in all, it was a perfect night!! Almost.

As soon as I got out of the show I realized I had a text message from my friends who went to the movie. It said: You're going to be so pissed but John Mayer is here. Me: Damnit!! Why fate, why??!!

I mean in reality my night was totally great and I would've gone to Cyrano even knowing that one of my favorite musicians was at that movie screening. But still. Couldn't they have just gone to the movie and not have seen anyone I would love to meet? Anyways, after that I met my friend C at the W bar for drinks and then went home shortly felt like a very "New York" night (and I normally cringe when people use that expression). Anyways, If you're thinking of seeing a Broadway play, I do recommend Cyrano de Bergerac!
and if you want to know about "Walk Hard"? Ask John Mayer. Who knows, he probably blogged about it!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Hi everyone!

Happy Halloween and I hope y'all have a great night. I am going to go to a bar tonight after work to celebrate a friends Birthday, and then I will probably head down into the Village to check out all of their festivities too! So good fun should be had by all.

Below I posted a playlist from imeem, an awesome music website. It's a totally legal and safe place to check out really well made playlists and discover some new music. Check it out here.

And TricK or TreaT!!!

Halloween Tunes

Looking for some Spooky Halloween tunes? Look no further and enjoy!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Halloween Pressure

Sigh. It's that time again.

With celebrations coming up on Friday/this weekend and then ending on Wednesday night. It's the time I used to worship as a child...Halloween. I would literally count down the days 'til Halloween! I was so excited! Even if my costumes did suck - and I actually don't remember what I was ever - my Mom wasn't the photo-taking type. I would still rush home from school, change into my costume immediately and then bug anyone within reach to take my trick-or-treating.

At that time we lived on Air Force bases so we were allowed to go running around the neighborhood, as long as we didn't venture over to enlisted housing, or bug the Generals too much. It was obviously very safe and so we stayed out until it got dark, sometimes a little later. I remember the best house was General Schwarzkopf's house, he had two Doberman Pincers (very scary to a kid), but he gave out the best candy - full bars! Way better than bite-sized, so it was worth risking the dogs.

Anyways, after years of looking forward to this day, I find myself as an adult, dreading it. I hate the pressure to go out because, like New Years it's inevitably not as fun as it "should" be. I hate having to wear a cute costume (and for cute read: sexy), and I hate trying not to eat all the candy that is everywhere! I love being scared and watching scary/cheezy Halloween movies and even Halloween themed-TV shows. And, I like seeing other peoples costumes, I just don't like making a big "To Do" over it.

A task I've accomplished the past few years. Last year I went to see "The Rocky Horror Picture Show"(first time ever!), which was great, and the year before that I watched the East Village Parade for an hour or so, which was kind of lame. However, this year I have a friend coming in from Florida and she has already asked what we're doing. I just know she is expecting a wild "New York" night. Or something. Hopefully I will think of something fun to do that's not too much trouble for me. If you hear of anything let me know!

P.S. - Is anyone else extremely annoyed at the attention Halle Berry's "Jewish" comment has received? I just think it is really too much - our Nation is so scared to be un-PC. I hate to really go into it (because I'm scared too), but I really don't think she needed to apologize for her comment. Ok I have to stop now.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Fedex Came Through.

So last time I posted I was stressing about a package gone astray. I sent said package Fedex prority overnight on a Wednesday afternoon. I soon received several email confirmations from Fedex saying "package has been picked up", "package is being delivered", package has been dropped off", etc.
I thought everything went fine and I didn't feel the need to follow-up since I had received confirmation that it was sucessfully delivered. Enter my boss, on Friday morning, he was working from a meeting downtown but was on AIM, and he asked me "whatever happened with the tickets?" ( it was 4 Springsteen tickets that were in the package). I told him, "I sent that out on Wed. and Fedex said they delivered it on Thursday afternoon at 1:00 pm". All of the sudden my AIM started going crazy - my boss is all - 'what's the address you sent it to?', 'what's the tracking number?', 'are you sure you sent it correctly?'. I asked him if there was a problem and he IM'ed back- 'A' doesn't have them! I started to freak out a little bit (hence my post about anxiety), but I kept my cool, answered his questions and assured him Fedex delivered it.

So then, just to be the awesome, thorough employee I am, I called Fedex to follow-up and let them know there was a problem. The Fedex rep thoroughly apologized, went through the delivery with me and said they would start an inquiry with the courrier and let me know. I waited a couple of hours and hadn't heard anything. So I called back, and they did the same thing (apologized, went over deets), then they gave me one small piece of new info and said to call back when the courrier had reported to 'someone' specific. So I waited, and still nothing. Finally I called them back again and they said the person who received the report had gone home (what?!) and I should call back at 6:30pm (my job ends at 5:00pm) when the night person would be there. So I said I would, but I didn't - I went to a blogger Happy Hour and hung out with friends!! But I did email my boss to let him know the follow up I had done, and he (sadly) thanked me for being so diligent.

Cut to Monday morning. My boss came into my cube and very seriously explained that we needed those tickets, The recipient (A) checked his house and his neighbor's very carefully and couldn't find them. He also told me that 'A' had tons of scuba gear on his front porch which should ring a bell for the driver. So I said I would follow up, although to be honest, after the run around I got on Friday, I didn't expect much. So I called Fedex, went through the apologies, the deets, and the "we can offer you $100.00 for the loss" (which means nothing to my Boss!). After that I basically told the rep the money was useless to me and then asked what else could be done, and then I just stayed on the line, unwilling to give up, and kept asking "what could be done?", until she finally said - "let me get my manager". YES!

The manager came on, and very bored-like asked me what the problem was. I told her, and I repeated the new information about A's porch being covered with Scuba gear. She sighed and said she would check with the driver and call me back. Honestly! Was that so hard?!

Cut to: An hour later - my boss comes running up, all "They found them!" I was thrilled! But where? My boss said the driver delivered them to the wrong house. Awesome. That guy has one job and he screws it up. I swear. So the lesson here is when dealing with call centers - if you don't get the answer you want, hang up and call right back to see if the next person will be able to help you, if not - the manager! is the best thing ever.

And so it all worked out - 'A' got the tix and went to the concert, and my boss was impressed with my follow-up. Yay!

Friday, October 12, 2007


All of the sudden I’m feeling very anxious. I can’t seem to focus at work and I haven’t been to the gym in 4 days. I know that doesn’t seem like a long time, but to me it really is. I have plans to go tomorrow but right now I am really feeling ‘stifled’ – this morning was weird to begin with – I never hit a “rhythm” and now at work I essentially have two things I have to get finished by today that I am stressing out about. And they are relatively simple tasks! I do them everyweek, and yet today I am struggling so much!

This week I did have something really cool happen to me – I’ll blog about that later (when I get my photographic evidence together). For now I felt like I had to express my anxiety before I imploded on myself.

Furthermore, I have a plans for Happy Hour later today that I have never needed more.

Oh and P.S. – Is it really my fault if I sent something important to someone FedEx overnight and that person didn’t receive it? I mean, Fedex dropped it off- their tracking devices say that they got it. Except my boss says that person didn’t get it, and it is now my fault – I’m on it. Le sigh.

P.P.S. - I am loving Pushing Daisies the "Hopelessly Devoted To You" number was amazing!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Updates, recommitments, and tomfoolery.....not necessarily in that order

Because the sky is blue, it makes me cry.....

I'm completely obsessed with this song thanks to the new Movie Across the Universe. I saw it on Saturday and pretty much loved it - there were parts that weren't so great but for the most part - All of the songs were done beautifully and the visuals were gorgeous and any movie with Eddie Izzard in it is fine by me (except maybe "The Wild")
Anyways, part of my great plan this weekend was to get up on Saturday - go workout and go see Across the Universe - Unfortunately, I stuck with my default plan which has been to hit the snooze button about 20 - 20! times before I get's ridiculous! This morning I finally broke the cycle and got up at 7 am to go to the gym - but it was wretched, and the workout sucked. I saw this woman next to me with coffee on her treadmill and I thought - that is what I need! I'm planning to program my machine to make coffee that I can just guzzle by the cupfuls before I set out. Because AM exercise is not ok without it.
The Gators lost to Auburn last weekend and that's fine - as long as we beat LSU this weekend everything will be ok - if not I might I have to hide under my desk until the end of the season (we have an USC alum in the office).
A did come to my bday party (I may have already mentioned this) - and she gave me a semi-expensive (for me) piece of Betsey Johnson jewelry - so punk rock! I really liked it - until it completely fell apart on the streets of NYC - thank goodness I noticed pieces of it as they were falling off - I gathered most of them and have to go return it this week.... quel dommage.
I think that will wrap us up - work wise I am still doing ok - although I always need more work, and my bosses are constantly gone so it's difficult because when they are around everyone else needs them too because they've been gone so long.... it's a little tough.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Dude! You're Getting a Margarita!

Two Posts in a row - woo! I thought I would just share my happenings last night. It was my roommate Lo's Birthday last night and so we all went to Tortilla Flats to play Margarita Bingo (I highly recommend it!) Anyways we were having a lovely time trashtalking the back table (who won like 3 times in a row - Conspiracy!!) when I noticed one of the waiters looked very familiar... I didn't really think about it though until I heard some whispering from the end of the table.

Lo's Male Friend: "There - in the yellow shirt"
Lo's Female Friend: "Ohhh - yeah!"

So I asked "Wait - what about that guy?"
Lo's Male Friend: "He's the guy from the Dell commercials - you know, 'Dude! You're gettin' a Dell!'"
Me: "Omigoodness! That's Crazy!"

So after some research on the 'ol interweb I discovered his name is Benjamin and he actually got caught with marijuana a couple of years back. But he is (apparently) still in school and was in an off-broadway play a year or so ago.

So, small world!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Since it Wuz Mine.....

So I had a crazy birthday! Actually it was probably crazier for how "not crazy it was!" Meaning - I didn't black out, I didn't vomit, and I didn't makeout with anyone! It was one of my most subdued Birthday's ever but I had a pretty fun time!

I rocked out at Izu Lounge with a bunch of friends (sans Blogger friends but oh well). I managed to sing "What I Like About You" (Lillix version), "Start of Something New" (from High School Musical - I did Zac's part), "Take Me or Leave Me" (from Rent), and finally "Since U Been Gone (Kelly Clarkson).

Actually there was some mild drama.... "Since U Been Gone" was my last song of the night and I new it was coming up so I had the mic already. I started singing "Here's the thing we started out friends... and this girl tried to take the mic away! all the while saying it was her song - but! I put the song in 2 hours ago (literally) and I had to go up to the DJ and tell her it never played (because other songs put in before mine had already gone) - so I knew it was mine!

So the whole time I was singing I kept having to fight her off like this:

"Here's the thing we started out friends,
It was cool but it was all pretend,
Yeah yeah,
Since U Been Gone..."

No it's my song!

"You dedicated you took the time
Wasn't long till I called you mine
Yeah Yeah
Since U Been Gone"

Seriously! I put this in 2 HOURS AGO!!

"And all you'd ever hear me say
Is how I pictured me with you
That's all you'd ever hear me say"

Oh?! And it's my BIRTHDAY! So BACK OFF!!!!!

I mean my timing might be a little off in the retelling - Basically I fit in a smackdown wherever I could - finally she left and started dancing with a small asian man. So she didn't really mess with my performance at all - but I was a little ticked at her persistance! A couple of my friends were jokingly worried that I was going to throwdown in the middle of the song!

Afterwards I walked by her booth where she was smack talking me to her friends, so I went over and was like "Listen, Honey! It really was mine ok? And you just tried to grab it from me! There was no "let's share" or "excuse me" - you just grabbed!" And she kind of laughed and was like ok, whatever - and then I blamed the DJ (who was really bad at losing slips that night) and she agreed with me on that one, and then I left!

I was definitely a little drunk at that point - but no one get's between me and my Clarkson!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

It's My Birthday!!

I'm one of those people that likes to be the center of attention - but only if I don't have to do anything, and it's not for too long, and it's not too embarassing. Ok, so maybe I don't like it that much :)

So this year I'm only doing low-key stuff, that way when things inevitably turn out not-the-way-I-planned, I won't care! Because it will be so.low.key.!! But I do have to say I was pleasantly met with some unexpected texts, and e-cards from some friends and my new cousin-in-law (love her!!). Which is always nice.

Also, I have a new TV obsession: Weeds! and I just discovered as I was baking my cake that my roomie Dave (who never watches TV), also loves it - so we totes bonded last night. Fun times.

And I want to tell Midwestern Gal - thanks for the memories!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Update on Friends

So.... my birthday is coming up this week and I am celebrating! I'm having a small gathering of really close friends during the week and then on Friday night I'm spending a (very) chill night at a Karaoke bar with whoever wants to come. Since the second night will basically just be an excuse to force my friends to sing in public, I invited everyone on my Myspace friendslist who is in Manhattan (as well as some nyc bloggers!).

Anyways, about a day after I sent the invite, A replied that she probably would be coming. She said she had been in FL for the past couple of weeks and would be coming back soon. So I guess that explains why she hasn't written back/called me? Except that, no - it doesn't....because she has an iPod phone, an iMac, and both a desktop computer and a landline in whatever. I think at this point I have written her off as just a "friend" now, which is hard. So my expectations have to be lowered a lot (I expect a lot from my BF!). We'll see how it works out! And in the meantime, I guess I'll see her for my bday.... I'll update if anything else happens, but I hope for less drama :)

Friday, September 14, 2007


Today I feel like venting about roommates….but first; a brief rundown of my qualifications –

In less than 7 years I have lived with over 27 roommates. I have lived with almost every situation imaginable - I have lived alone, with one roommate, two, three, etc. until 5 rommates(That was/is my max). I have lived in the same room with a roommate, shared a bathroom, (i.e. basically lived on top of each other), but I have also have lived at times with my own room and completely different schedules so that we never see each other.

I have lived with all races/sexes including at one point (in paris), being the only person who spoke English and us all having to translate Russian/Japanese/French to have a conversation or to understand a phone message that was left (like in L'Auberge Espagnole)!

So – just to reiterate – I am great roommate, I have years of experience, and I think I have encountered almost every type of living style/personality quirk out there….which is why, one of my current roommates is mystifying me. He is. I am mystified!

My current situation lays out like this, I live with three actor/singer/dancers (I am not one), 2 are gay guys (who aren’t together) and one ia an awesome chica (straight as far as I know). So one of the guys – we’ll call him ‘Craig’ is moving out today. Our rent went up a couple of months ago and he has decided he would rather move to Astoria (where I used to live!) and pay less, than stay. Which is fine I get that, and actually we are all secretly happy because he is a bit difficult to live with. The weird thing is he can totally afford our apt. – he dances in a big Broadway show and is making a good chunk of change- but still he wants out.

What is mystifying me is that he acts all "green"/karmic and as if he has compassion/cares, and then when it comes down to something, he is always about the money. For example, the first day I moved in, Craig was shuffling some boxes into his new room and he asked me if I wanted his little 13" inch TV for my room since he had just gotten a flat-screen. I said “sure!”, I had just thrown my TV out because I too was going to upgrade, but I figured I should wait until I had my furniture placement set before I buy one. So I gladly took it off his hands and have been using it for about 5 months… because now I’m waiting for prices to come down/my paycheck to come up.

Anyways last week he came up and asked me how much I wanted to PAY him for the TV? I kind of stuttered and said that I didn’t need it since I was still going to upgrade soon, and that he could take it back, blah, blah, thanks for letting me use it, etc. - Still, it weighed on me that he expected me to pay for something he had practically thrown at me at one time. So, I very maturely just asked him what the deal was. I explained, I thought he was throwing it out and gave it to me, so that he wouldn’t have to deal with it. He said that no, in fact, he had always expected it back (lucky I didn’t upgrade during his vaycay!), but if I wanted it he was willing to cut a deal (like $20). I again, graciously thanked him but told him he could have it - $20 is way too much to pay for a fischer-price TV.

Meanwhile, yesterday he told Dave (our roommie) that if he wanted to keep the bathroom fixtures that he had installed, Dave would need to pay him (the full price!), before he moved out. Dave declined (because he could care less) and Craig completely stripped down their bathroom of the fixtures. All of this after a heated “pot” debate (the kitchen item not the drug) one night, in which Craig stated he would never buy something for the apartment and ask us all to chip in (rather, he would just pay outright for it). The fallout from the pots being that we ended up using Craig’s cheap Ikea pots (that we hated) over some really nice pots that Dave wanted us all to chip in for – that me and chica wanted. Ironically, Craig is neither taking the pots nor charging us for them – he left a message on the whiteboard last night that we can have them! Yay! Although I’ll probably make him throw them out – I hate when I roommate leaves his trash on move-out day!

Basically he cares until it costs him, and then he wants every red cent he can squeeze from you - and he's a liberal....

Also, while the roommies and I are all reasonably “green” – Craig takes things to a ridiculous level. Dave and I keep spotting the glade plug-in lying around various parts of the apt. (because we had been plugging it in whenever we found it out of the socket). Turns out Craig had been unplugging it to save energy!! -huh??

Too funny.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The New iPods....Just in Time for My Birthday!

My current iPod is a 40G, 4th gen device that is currently at capacity. That means I have about 9,000 songs, and yes, I listen to all of them. Everyday. Anyways, I have a ton of CDs and podcasts that I have been wanting to load but I hate the idea of having my collection spliced. Also, none of the other iPods were ever "great" enough to motivate me to buy a new one (I'm not made of muns!). Enter the iPod Touch! It has tons of space! It's thinner! More Battery! And I can play movies and surf the web (wi-fi!). I think this is what I'll be requesting for my upcoming birthday. Or at least help towards it.

For live-blogging updates on Apple's news conference - go here (Crave Blog on

Color me excited.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

My Labor Day weekend - an IM recap

So for this Labor Day weekend I flew down to Tampa where my parents live to visit with them and hang out. I haven't been home since February, but I was expecting lots of downtime, a little shopping, and a lot of food. Below is an excerpt of what happened as told to my friend LD...

Lynn (2:47:22 PM): hey lady
LD (2:47:38 PM): hey!
LD (2:47:44 PM): how was your trip home?
Lynn (2:48:03 PM): hmmmm....not as smooth as it could have been
LD (2:48:22 PM): oh no!
LD (2:48:24 PM): why?
Lynn (2:55:52 PM): well by friday my tooth was hurting so much that I had to track down a dentist who, after some sketchiness determined my filling was cracked in that tooth. So she drilled it out and replaced the filling (after two shots of novicaine!) I spent a lot of money on that, AND my tooth hurt from healing the rest of the weekend (and still kind of hurts now...I'm not entirely sure it's fixed)
Lynn (2:59:23 PM): and then later, we (my brother, mom, and me) were at home after kind of a long day and for some reason Pepper (our dog) acted like she had hurt her foot, so my mom checked it out but there was nothing there (splinter/sticker/bug)
Lynn (3:00:41 PM): still, 10 minutes later I watched as Pepper slowly walked into the island(the cabinets) and then kind of backed away oddly. I cried out for Kelly to see what was wrong (because I was the only one who saw her do it and was far away)
Lynn (3:02:11 PM): and Kelly looked at her leg again which caused her to move the rest of her body in this really awkward-looking "frog leg" way. When he put her leg back down she tried again to walk into the counter and then Kelly caught her as she fell (kind of like she was unconscious) to the ground.
Lynn (3:03:45 PM): at that point I was really upset and my Mom was there by her side too and Kelly picked her up and we all rushed to the vet. By the time we got there she was acting normally and the vet checked her up and down and said she had an idiopathic seizure...which means she is fine and she will be fine, it was just scary as all get out!

LD (3:03:57 PM): OMG!!!!!
LD (3:04:18 PM): that is NOT ok! i mean, it's ok b/c the vet said so, but i would have been losing it!
LD (3:04:33 PM): i was getting nervous just reading your messages
LD (3:04:55 PM): and i was nervous you were going to end the story really scary
LD (3:05:00 PM): i'm glad she's ok
LD (3:05:06 PM): but that is super super scary!!!
Lynn (3:06:11 PM): lol - I actually started getting upset again as I was writing it - because at the time, I was really scared! And since I was the only one who had been watching her and saw how wierd she had acted, I think I was the only one who thought she wasn't going to be ok, I definitely (against my control) started to (quietly) cry.
Lynn (3:06:37 PM): It was frustrating because both my mom/bro thought it was a snake/insect bite but I kept saying it looked like something was wrong with her brain!
Lynn (3:06:57 PM): I mean, I'm not medical - but I thought it was def. brain related!
Lynn (3:07:14 PM): anyways, for the rest of the weekend she was her normal playful self
Lynn (3:07:50 PM): I got to play with her in the pool (she likes to jump in and swim) and we had lots of belly rubbing time - when she would let me :) )

LD (3:08:21 PM): well that's good
LD (3:08:26 PM): puppy therapy!

Lynn (3:09:02 PM): but add together the tooth, the dog, the lack of air conditioning (in Florida heat!) and my brother's girlfirend/new life kind of getting in the way (she was nice - but they live so far away) and my mother's neuroses in full gear - and it was not the best weekend - it was ok - it had it's good moments
Lynn (3:09:31 PM): When we were driving to the airport my dad asked if I was sad or glad to go back and I glad!!!! So glad. He said that was good

LD (3:10:06 PM): yay! That is good
LD (3:10:12 PM): see--that is why I never go home
LD (3:10:21 PM): (that and the lack of $ for plane tix)

Lynn (3:11:38 PM): for! I don't think it was ever quite that bad going back.....but this time left me exhausted - I think this year I am not going to go back for Thanksgiving for a full week (or at all depending on what they do) - do you go back for Thanksgiving?
LD (3:11:45 PM): no
LD (3:11:50 PM): i have only ever gone back twice

Lynn (3:18:29 PM): hmm. Also, on the fun side of this weekend - I watched "Who Killed the Electric Car", "Bringing up Baby" (with K.Hepburn) and "Night At the Opera" (Marx Brothers) - Interesting flicks all!

And then LD got pulled away....When thinking of what to post on the weekend, I thought that was a pretty good recounting of what happened. The whole weekend was really disruptive. It was mainly due to all of the work my parents were having done on the house (old furniture out, new furniture in, a/c repairmen, etc.) we kept having to stay home to wait for these people. And then we had to go to dinner at my brother's house (which is two hours away) it was a lot of waiting around and going back and forth when all I really wanted to do was actually sit and have a conversation with my family! Or play raquetball. I love playing raquetball with my dad - but he had to work on both Friday and Saturday and the rest of the weekend was all planned out so it was really hard to do anything "I" wanted to do. And my poor dog!! After her seizure I didn't want to leave her alone but she really was fine the rest of the weekend. I think this post was mostly ramblings. Sorry about that. But I am glad to be back...

P.S. - I didn't post from my parents computer since I'm still wary of what happened to dmbmeg.
P.P.S. - Apparently everyone had awesome weekends except me!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Longest Post Ever: AKA Myspace Drama (?) Part Two:

This all resulted in her deciding that she didn’t want to/couldn’t live with me. That would have been fine too except we had been looking at apartments together for about 4 weeks and were about 2 weeks from our move-out date. And! the night she chose to let me know of her new decision? My Birthday! That was a fun night….I could barely see my drinks through my puffy eyes. I apologize, because I don’t mean to be drfrmatic and I think now I would be much more calm about it now, but she was literally my only friend up here, I didn’t know the area, I had no job, and I had no idea what I was doing. I almost called my parents and got on a flight that same weekend. But I didn’t. A and I got in a little fight (through email) where I confronted her about what went wrong (the third evil roommate, the dog, the boyfriend, etc.) and we basically got over it.

We continued that first year with frequent emails and phone calls. I can even remember calling her from a hellish-Holiday cruise I was on with 11 members of my immediate family, just to hear a friendly voice (the cruise was not going well). We were getting along great! When she and her boyfriend left for a month to road-trip and go to Sundance for the festival I made her little road-trip presents (mix tapes/snacks). When she got back we hung out a little bit more; watching out favorite TV shows (Veronica Mars/The Office) and going to our Alumni bar to watch our b-ball games.

Then things fell apart again. I think it had been building for a while but I just wanted to ignore it. Long story short - it was basically that on the most important night of my year– the NCAA championships (don’t laugh) – she chose to invite everyone to her house instead of the bar we had been gathering at for the entire college basketball season. When I asked if the 3 friends I had actually managed to make in that time could come, she said ‘no’ because her apt. wasn’t big enough. Huh. So I told her I probably wouldn’t be able to make it, since my other 3 friends were still counting on me to save the table (which were scarce). She still went ahead with it – no one came to her house (because it’s tiny and in Queens!) and only my friends showed up at the bar with me (because her’s knew she wouldn’t be there).

So it was a stupid, random thing that set me off but it just kind of highlighted her faults and even still, I tried to reconcile with her at the time. But she wouldn’t return my calls, and when we finally met face to face to talk about everything, she came to the conclusion that everything bad in our friendship was my fault, these were all ‘my’ issues and I should probably just admit that and then we could go back to being friends. I said no, I wouldn’t and that I didn’t know what I was supposed to do with that – I told her I would call her when I figured it out. I didn’t call her back for about 6 or 7 months.

Finally (around Thanksgiving) I called and left a message saying that I missed her and wanted to talk to her. She called me back; she said she missed me too and that she was really glad that I called her. So we forged another (less stable) friendship. We saw each other less than ever (mainly because I didn’t call her every week like I used to) and when we did see each other it wasn’t (to me) as much fun. Still – every now and then I would call for advice or visa versa and it would be how it was.

Recently she wanted me to meet her new (gay) friend J, she said I would “love” him!
J is a co-worker she met over the summer at her old job. He is her number one friend on myspace (her boyfriend isn’t on – he’s a little older). Anyways, I agreed, and was excited to meet this new important person in her life. We all met to see the premiere of the Simpsons movie (which was awesome)! But here is where it gets tricky (and stupid). I’m the type of person who likes to sit through the entire end credits. I don’t even read them, I just hate how everyone in a movie immediately leaps up out of their seats and starts slowly moving toward the (bottlenecked) exits like cattle! No thank you. I prefer to sit, and digest what I’ve just seen, I talk to the person with me about the film – it’s nice, try it!

However, I also realize that when in a group sometimes you don’t always get to do what you want to do. So we sat there after the film for about 5 minutes, we saw some of the extra stuff at the end, and then A was all – “shall we go? Do you guys….want ….to leave?” In this tone that was more like “Why haven’t you guys gotten up yet?” So I said “sure let’s go!” and we all three got up and moved out of the chairs onto the stairs leading to the exits. All of the sudden we stopped. I was still watching the screen but I was wondering why we weren’t moving so I looked down to see both A and J both standing in the middle of the stairs with their phones out, scrolling through their text messages. I was a little shocked (I guess I shock easy). I really hate phones in the theatre – almost at any time, also – they were blocking the people behind us! So I said “Hey guys are we gonna go? Or check our phones?” in a normal tone. A whipped around and snapped “Lynn! You can’t just talk to people like that, can’t you just wait?!”. I was again, shocked. She was the one who told me to get up! So I just stepped around them both and calmly walked out, slowly enough for them to follow. When we got outside I had a message from my brother so I checked it and plaintively ignored them. I was determined not to let that ruin the night though, so I hung up and we discussed where we were going next.

They threw out some ideas, but almost all of them meant spending about $20 more and getting food – it was 11:30 at night(!) – if I was going to spend anymore money – it would have been on Vodka. I said something to that effect, but they assured me they didn’t want to drink. So I peaced out (nicely) and went home. About a week ago I realized A had cut me out of her top “myspace” friends and about two days ago (the 27th), I realized I haven’t heard from A since that night (of the Simpsons). So I sent her an email that very lightly chided us both for not being in better touch. I said we should hang out, and I told her to call me – all in good cheer! Well, I haven’t heard from her since then and it’s been 4 days. At this point, I’m kind of tired of the whole thing, but I thought I would throw it out there and see what other people thought. Should I call/email A again to hang out – or to really end things? Or should I just leave it alone again and wait for another 8 months to pass….

Honestly, I’ve never heard of people behaving this way – and she has an iPhone so she has gotten the email. But on the other hand – this is best friend from my Freshman year of college! Such relationships don’t die easily, nor should they, I believe.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Myspace Drama (?) Part One

I’m not even sure I should call it that since I don’t know if my friend knows what she did (she is a little Myspace illiterate). But here goes anyways. Last week as I was browsing through some of my friends Myspace pages I noticed that A had removed me from her top friends. Like I said, I don't know if this means anything because I think she just adjusted the number of her top friends (from 16 to 9) and I was pushed out due to that. However for the sake of comprehension, let's have a little backstory shall we?

To start at the beginning; this girl(A), has been my bff since we were placed as random roommates for our Freshman year in college. Well, we liked living together sooo much that we lived together Sophomore year too. And we’ve been Best Friends ever since….kind of.

The wierd thing about us is that whenever we aren’t living together and each of us gets really busy, we kind of disappear off each other’s radars – which usually I’m fine with (Although I do miss her when that happens). I’m just not really one of those girls who can call another girl on the phone and chat about my day – unless something huge happened of course. But it usually doesn’t, and so when friends call me to “chat” I get really awkward and bored and try to think of a reason to get off the phone. So anyways that’s how me and A are – BUT I always expect a bff to respond to a “distress signal” – similar to the bat signal – it means you have to get going and help the citizens of Gotham friend in need ASAP. That is my one requirement of any bff, nay, friend.

And so 5 years later, when A called me from NYC and told me she would be moving shortly to Williamsburg and would have an extra room…I jumped. She asked me to move in and it was great, well not great, but I was in New York and things were just beginning! Unfortunately our friendship didn’t blossom under this new roof. We had completely different schedules (she was a waitress at Nobu which meant late nights) and I was actually unemployed/looking (which is never fun). So we barely saw each other, and when we did, it was always us going out with her friends (because I had none up here yet). And there were other obstacles too, we were living with a backstabbing third roommate determined to make A drop me and be her best friend, (WTF?!) a newish boyfriend (whom she now lives with), and a very adorable dog, whom she would often leave at home for the weekend and expect me to take care of, which I always did(what else could I do?!). But I wasn’t very happy, we ended up only living in Billyburg (blech!) for about three months due to steep rent and parted ways. When it came time to move, things got rocky.....

More to follow

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Recap Friday (Belatedly posted on Saturday)

Every Friday I want to go back over the week and meditate on how everything went I’ll mainly be focusing on big categories such as: work, health, friends, or dates (eep!). But if something else should occur that needs meditation. So be it.

So, as I may or may not have said, this was my first week on the job at an unnamed Music Label. I’m only a temp there, but I hope very much to become a full-time employee in the next year or so (I’m willing to pay my dues!). I think it went pretty well, I am the administrative assistant to two execs in the Global 'something or other' dept. Anyways, they are both really great so far- They answer their own phones (unless on a call or away), manage (for the most part) their own calendars, and are genuinely laid-back guys. Excellent! We’ll see how next week goes….

Checking in on my workouts – I stumbled a bit in the beginning of the week but I managed to get back on track and made it to the gym on Tues, Wed, Thurs, and today (at 6:00 am!).

Monday I was thrown off track by a good friend’s Birthday party, we completely took over the second floor of Duplex. We started the night with mild drinking and top 40s and before long it was shots all around and a very loud and rambunctious dance party to tunes like “Blue Suede Shoes”, “ Hound Dog” , “Charlie Brown”, and various songs with the word ‘twist’ in them – it was hilarious! And I have to say, I’ve never danced so hard than to those songs – there was twisting and jumping, a little shuffling of the feet; it was intense! Comparatively we put on Britney Spears right after (for my friend), and it was just so…tame. It was slower and just not as frenzied – hmm. Anyways, Duplex was lots of fun, I would definitely go back!

Everything else was good, I’m still completely immersed in my Office (the TV show) obsession, I’ve been re-watching season 2 whenever I have a chance. And I saw “Becoming Jane” last night – I cried for the last 20 minutes, it was pretty great.

Last Note: I have to remember to post about my friend ‘A’ – she recently removed me from her top friends on myspace and I have no idea why (or if I should care).

More to follow….

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Lyric Controversy and Lost Wallets...

One of my big things about having this blog is that I was always going to mainly use it to catalog my life and not worry about readership or what people would care about. Which is kind of why I told Jew of I didn't want to have a blog at all now that other bloggers knew my real identity. But anyways, my point is - if I blog something boring I don't care - this is for me!

So today I had two unique problems, The first was that I forgot my wallet at home and only realized when I was about 20 minutes away. I figured I was just going to starve all day, but then I found 5 dollars in my purse -yes! I was set - I mean I brought my little snack and everything so I should've been fine. However, I am a huge coffee drinker and I had to get an iced coffee. That brought me down to $3.50 total. No biggie. At lunch time I strolled over to my huge new employer’s cafe to see whatever I could get with $4.47 which is what I had with change. Luckily the veggie burger w/fries was only 4.45 and there was no tax. Unluckily, the burger dude put tomatoes on without asking and apparently sliced tomatoes cost $.40 cents. So I got up there and was about .35 cents short and standing in front of some of the higher ups... I was just a little embarrassed!! But the cashier took pity on me and waved me through.

My second little issue was more of a crisis of conscience. I just started working at a Music Label which is what I've wanted to do since I moved up to New York. So anyway, I pretty much love music, and I love learning new stuff/back-stories on songs. Today somebody mentioned something about the song "Sweet Home Alabama" and how it was rather odd that they used it for a KFC commercial. I was sitting in my cube thinking "Why is that wierd? - it's a southern food!" (My family is totally from the South). So I googled – this and it brought up a number of sites/blogs that have discussed the potential racist lyrics of the song.

Lyrics in Question:

Well I heard mister Young sing about her
Well, I heard ole Neil put her down
Well, I hope Neil Young will remember
A Southern man don't need him around anyhow


In Birmingham they love the governor
Now we all did what we could do
Now Watergate does not bother me
Does your conscience bother you?
Tell the truth

Apparenly “A Southern Man” is a Neil Young song…and if you misinterpret the lyrics it sounds like Lynard Skynard is hating on Neil’s Song which makes them racist. But their not, there is stuff in the background and deeper meanings and blah, blah, blah notracist, blah. I don't want to just reiterate what they say so I will direct you to here ------ Here are some links in case you don’t believe me though:

Wikipedia page and a disagreeing page

I went through a 10 minute period reading all of that a little scared that the song I enjoyed singing at the top of my lungs in dark bars was completely non-pc. I mean, whatever! I'm pretty liberal and I don't care too much if a song is offensive sometimes but - the way a couple of sites put it Lynard Skynard were complete racists or something. It's completely not true! But I was just surprised because I had never really listened to the lyrics, and I never heard about any sort of controversy...

End mini crisis of conscience.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

I Love Karaoke: Review of 2nd on 2nd

One thing everyone should know about me is that I love to sing. I sing early and often - because of this, I love to karaoke. I have a group of friends that share this love and we have been to a lot of Karaoke Bars in NYC to suss out the best locations. Last night we went to 2nd on 2nd for a friend's Birthday Party and tried out their Karaoke.

Ultimately the verdict was that we need to keep looking. While we appreciated the spotlight and center-stage effect of the bar, the song book left something to desire (no "Since U Been Gone?!!), the drinks were kind of expensive for what they were, and the talent/entertainment beyond our group was non-existent.

So far we really like Izu Lounge for their extensive books, great mix of singers/silly/awesome people/ and their overall vibe. Unfortunately, their mics kind of suck and their Bartenders patrol the requests so they are spaced out more evenly. This is fine normally, but they will bump people in front of you even if you've been waiting for an hour already. Not cool.

So.... 2nd on 2nd was ok, but not great, I would go back there again but I probably wouldn't recommend it to anyone. On that same note (pun intended). If anyone knows of a good K-bar please let me know!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Inaugural Post

This is my first post on a blog that I have had for about 6 months – I originally started the blog as a way to put in my “Jem” Avatar to post comments on Midwesterner in nyc’s blog. That led to me hanging out with other commentators and they made me feel like a loser for not actually posting on my non-blog.

So! after careful thought and analysis, I've decided to begin posting on my blog. What I really want from my blog is just a place to record things that are actually going on in my life. So my blog will be less social commentary and more mundane records of my existence. I think we’re off to a fantastic start!

Recently I have been occupied with two things. The first is to secure a job – I recently left (aka was let go of) a job at a very cool and hip hair company. I was a long-term temp in their Education department, which basically means I was like every other full-time employee there except with no benefits. So after my time there was ended I basically shifted in to a week of depression, followed by approx 3 weeks of self-renewal and determination. I temped shortly at some media companies and finally, today, I have gotten a long-term temp gig at a music company that I am absolutely thrilled about. I actually moved up to New York to work for this Company so….this is a great day!

My second obsession as of late has been my health, or particularly, my lack of. Growing up I was a competitive swimmer and would spend about 20-24 hours in the pool every week. Currently I am a gymrat, because I like working out! Really! But lately I have been phoning it in and as a result, I am less than my best. So, as boring as it may be – I will be documenting my health journey here as well. Like today for instance I have not yet been to the gym and I am dy-ing because I really want to watch So You Think You Can Dance – It’s the Finale!!

And with that, I will sign off on my first official post. More to follow.