Thursday, December 13, 2007

Milk & Honey - A review

Last night I went out with my friend Bex and two out of town friends to a bar called "Milk & Honey". The buzz on this place was that it was semi-exclusive - you have to call to make reservations, and if the place gets too popular they change their phone number. Somehow my friend got the number and we all headed down to 134 Eldridge St. ( the door is unmarked).

I have to say - for as pretentious as this place could have been - it was surprisingly not so. And they made an awesome drink that I love to order but rarely do, because, for all it's simplicity - no one ever gets it right. It's called the Bee's Knees and it's made with the following ingredients:

2 oz gin3/4 oz honey syrup1/2 oz fresh lemon juice

So it was really great! I totally recommend this place- it's a little more expensive than normal but it's a nice place to have on reserve for a 'special occasion'.

1 comment:

Vincenzo said...

Hi nice review. I have been trying to track down this number for a while. Its nearly impossible to get. Would you be kind enough to give it me please ? Thank You.