Friday, December 21, 2007

Harried Holidays

I feel like every year I try to get through the Holidays in some organized, peaceful manner. Sure I encounter lots of sporadic get-togethers and Christmas parties and I try to attend all of them, while still going about my daily routines, and running my life like I normally do. And yet, every year I end up missing out on stuff, and adding in things that I don't need to do, and then just completely giving up when it comes down to the wire.

For instance, this year I'm travelling home tonight and I wanted to make sure my room was clean and that I packed everything correctly. So instead of staying home last night and taking the time to do it right. I went out to a mini-reunion of sorts and didn't get home until 10:30 pm.
The night before I could've packed/cleaned but instead I baked cookies for my office - for no real reason (we weren't having a pot luck or anything). The night before that I was supposed to go out to a meeting of friends and I bailed to write cards and buy presents, which I did - but each night of the week I went to sleep at a very late hour, and consequently I am now running on a sleep deficit. Which is never good when I am on my way home to stay with my parents (yikes!)

I think I have everything packed that I could need though, and I did get through it! So now I am just looking ahead to all of the good things! My parents are puppy-sitting for one of my Mom's friends, so I will get to play with Jazzy all week :). Also we have our own dog, Pepper, who is just too adorable for words, and she loves me! So it should be great....add to that, I am expecting a Guitar Hero present for Christmas and it should be a Rockin' Holiday!

I'm sure I'll blog more in my boredom over the break, but in case I don't - Have a Merry Christmas! And a Happy New Year!


Beehive Hairdresser said...

GRRR... post more...

Anonymous said...

I hope you have a great holiday season