Tuesday, September 4, 2007

My Labor Day weekend - an IM recap

So for this Labor Day weekend I flew down to Tampa where my parents live to visit with them and hang out. I haven't been home since February, but I was expecting lots of downtime, a little shopping, and a lot of food. Below is an excerpt of what happened as told to my friend LD...

Lynn (2:47:22 PM): hey lady
LD (2:47:38 PM): hey!
LD (2:47:44 PM): how was your trip home?
Lynn (2:48:03 PM): hmmmm....not as smooth as it could have been
LD (2:48:22 PM): oh no!
LD (2:48:24 PM): why?
Lynn (2:55:52 PM): well by friday my tooth was hurting so much that I had to track down a dentist who, after some sketchiness determined my filling was cracked in that tooth. So she drilled it out and replaced the filling (after two shots of novicaine!)....so I spent a lot of money on that, AND my tooth hurt from healing the rest of the weekend (and still kind of hurts now...I'm not entirely sure it's fixed)
Lynn (2:59:23 PM): and then later, we (my brother, mom, and me) were at home after kind of a long day and for some reason Pepper (our dog) acted like she had hurt her foot, so my mom checked it out but there was nothing there (splinter/sticker/bug)
Lynn (3:00:41 PM): still, 10 minutes later I watched as Pepper slowly walked into the island(the cabinets) and then kind of backed away oddly. I cried out for Kelly to see what was wrong (because I was the only one who saw her do it and was far away)
Lynn (3:02:11 PM): and Kelly looked at her leg again which caused her to move the rest of her body in this really awkward-looking "frog leg" way. When he put her leg back down she tried again to walk into the counter and then Kelly caught her as she fell (kind of like she was unconscious) to the ground.
Lynn (3:03:45 PM): at that point I was really upset and my Mom was there by her side too and Kelly picked her up and we all rushed to the vet. By the time we got there she was acting normally and the vet checked her up and down and said she had an idiopathic seizure...which means she is fine and she will be fine, it was just scary as all get out!

LD (3:03:57 PM): OMG!!!!!
LD (3:04:18 PM): that is NOT ok! i mean, it's ok b/c the vet said so, but i would have been losing it!
LD (3:04:33 PM): i was getting nervous just reading your messages
LD (3:04:55 PM): and i was nervous you were going to end the story really scary
LD (3:05:00 PM): i'm glad she's ok
LD (3:05:06 PM): but that is super super scary!!!
Lynn (3:06:11 PM): lol - I actually started getting upset again as I was writing it - because at the time, I was really scared! And since I was the only one who had been watching her and saw how wierd she had acted, I think I was the only one who thought she wasn't going to be ok, I definitely (against my control) started to (quietly) cry.
Lynn (3:06:37 PM): It was frustrating because both my mom/bro thought it was a snake/insect bite but I kept saying it looked like something was wrong with her brain!
Lynn (3:06:57 PM): I mean, I'm not medical - but I thought it was def. brain related!
Lynn (3:07:14 PM): anyways, for the rest of the weekend she was her normal playful self
Lynn (3:07:50 PM): I got to play with her in the pool (she likes to jump in and swim) and we had lots of belly rubbing time - when she would let me :) )

LD (3:08:21 PM): well that's good
LD (3:08:26 PM): puppy therapy!

Lynn (3:09:02 PM): but add together the tooth, the dog, the lack of air conditioning (in Florida heat!) and my brother's girlfirend/new life kind of getting in the way (she was nice - but they live so far away) and my mother's neuroses in full gear - and it was not the best weekend - it was ok - it had it's good moments
Lynn (3:09:31 PM): When we were driving to the airport my dad asked if I was sad or glad to go back and I said....so glad!!!! So glad. He said that was good

LD (3:10:06 PM): yay! That is good
LD (3:10:12 PM): see--that is why I never go home
LD (3:10:21 PM): (that and the lack of $ for plane tix)

Lynn (3:11:38 PM): for reals....man! I don't think it was ever quite that bad going back.....but this time left me exhausted - I think this year I am not going to go back for Thanksgiving for a full week (or at all depending on what they do) - do you go back for Thanksgiving?
LD (3:11:45 PM): no
LD (3:11:50 PM): i have only ever gone back twice

Lynn (3:18:29 PM): hmm. Also, on the fun side of this weekend - I watched "Who Killed the Electric Car", "Bringing up Baby" (with K.Hepburn) and "Night At the Opera" (Marx Brothers) - Interesting flicks all!

And then LD got pulled away....When thinking of what to post on the weekend, I thought that was a pretty good recounting of what happened. The whole weekend was really disruptive. It was mainly due to all of the work my parents were having done on the house (old furniture out, new furniture in, a/c repairmen, etc.) we kept having to stay home to wait for these people. And then we had to go to dinner at my brother's house (which is two hours away) it was a lot of waiting around and going back and forth when all I really wanted to do was actually sit and have a conversation with my family! Or play raquetball. I love playing raquetball with my dad - but he had to work on both Friday and Saturday and the rest of the weekend was all planned out so it was really hard to do anything "I" wanted to do. And my poor dog!! After her seizure I didn't want to leave her alone but she really was fine the rest of the weekend. I think this post was mostly ramblings. Sorry about that. But I am glad to be back...

P.S. - I didn't post from my parents computer since I'm still wary of what happened to dmbmeg.
P.P.S. - Apparently everyone had awesome weekends except me!

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