Friday, November 16, 2007

Musings from Mid-November

Ok - I kind of hate those blog posts that start - "I know I haven't posted in a while - but I've been so crazy!!". And I don't even feel like it's been that long, I post on average, once or twice a week. It's been two weeks since my last post, so I'm not too far behind. Plus, I recently discovered that no one really reads this - so who cares?! Actually, that discovery (that no one reads) is kind of freeing. The whole point of blogs (I've thought) is that you can post your feelings anonymously - and so "the world" gets an un-censored 'you'. Blogs to me have always been a way to vicariously live another life almost. Or at least to feel solidarity if me and the blogger are leading the same crappy life :) .

Anyways, I haven't posted recently not because I was 'so' busy - it was just that I didn't really have a 'set' topic and felt all this lame pressure to post something fun. No more! I'm gonna post what I would normally post in my journal/diary from now on. Plus maybe some mini-reviews of musicals from 1929.

So let's get started!

Last night I went to Haru with my friend Lo (it was her Birthday). I was feeling sick though so I didn't stay long. It was fun - I found out Lo's boyfriend thinks I hate him (for no reason! - I like him I swear!) , and that sometimes I'm funnier than I intend to be. Lo and I were at the bf's apt. one day (he was out golfing), we were baking pies and watching "The Flight of the Conchords" and it was a great day. When the bf came home he looked tired and he went straight to the bathroom for a shower. I just thought - if it were my apt. and I was tired and sweaty and I don't get to see Lo that often, I would want Lo's third wheel friend to leave! :) I mean I thought I was being polite, and nice even, but he thought I didn't want to hang out with him. Oh well, I'm going to try extra hard next time I see him to assure him that I do not dislike him at all!

Also last night it was me, Lo, Lo's roommate Tiff, our friend Kyle, and two other fun gay boys. So we were all drinking our little pomegranate martini's and having a pretty good time. More people were on their way and I was feeling not so good so I was about to leave, and I look over at Steve who has what looks like a date book out and he is organizing his business cards. John, across from me, looks over at Steve and goes "Who do you know at Men's Wearhouse?" and I looked at John and with a wink I said "Who doesn't he know??!" and John just busted out laughing! I was really surprised my little quip hit so hard. But he was so tickled. When he could, he asked do you know something I don't? Or were you joking? And I was like, no no! Just a joke. But it was really funny....also, while typing this I just now realized it is wear and not ware - house - which makes perfect punning sense - I just never paid attention. I feel like Jessica Simpson.

More later
xoxo Gossipgirl Lynn!

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