Friday, November 2, 2007

An (Almost) Perfect Night.

So, I don't know if I've told you about my love of music, but I love music. Some days the discovery of new music occupies me for hours. I go from new bands, to their new/well-known producers, and then to the producers new albums and so forth. It's quite a time-consuming little loop. Anyways, I say all this to preface this next admission, which is that I am a big fan of John Mayer's music. I've liked him for a long time, and saw him for the first time in 2001 in a tiny little whole-in-the-wall bar in Gainesville, FL (Go Gators!) for free. I definitely thought he was pretty good then, and his recent forays into blues and with the John Mayer Trio have only strengthened my opinion of him. So I'm a fan I guess a more succinct person would say.

Last night, I had tickets to go see a free screening of "Walk Hard" and I was really looking forward to it! It's the newest movie out from Judd Apatow ("Superbad, Knocked Up") and I had invited some friends to join in the funny. Then, about an hour before I was to head over to the movies, my friend Lo asked me a) what was I wearing and b) did I have plans? I told her I was wearing jeans and that I was going to see a v. funny movie! To which she replied that she had an extra ticket to go see Cyrano de Bergerac in an hour and if I wanted to come I should hurry home and get changed! Luckily I live near the Theatre District so quickly accepted and then ran around town like a crazy person.
I had to hurry to the 42nd St. Movie Theaters, give my friends my ticket/flier thing, run to my house, change into "nice clothes", and then run to meet my friend at......Opening Night!!! Awesome- and I had no idea! Of course, Lo thought I knew that that was why she told me to dress nice. So anyways, we met outside and proceeded to walk past the red carpet where Ben Affleck (!) and David Cronenberg where being interviewed. There were tons of other celebs (Maxwell, Kathie Lee Gifford, Glenn Close, etc.) there too but I only saw those Ben and David. Now, I've been to a couple of openings before but this one I was really excited about. I love Jennifer Garner (I'm a big Alias fan) and I adore Kevin Kline as well - I once served him a latte at the Starbucks I used to work at! We go way back. Also Cyrano is a great play, and I've been lucky enough to have had to study it in both French and English so it's one that I know well (I feel like I enjoy familiar plays more). I was pretty hyper the whole time, and the show was great! It was really funny and well-paced, the sets were stunning, and I thought Jennifer was enchanting. However, If I'm being completely honest, while I really enjoyed watching her performance, it was a little inconsistent as far as tone and dialect go. Although when Lo and I talked about this she thought that a lot of that could be due to the directing (and she's the Theatre expert!). As far as everyone else- I thought Kevin was a-mazing!!! Really. I'm getting teary right now remembering his last few scenes. And Chris Sarandon was very amusing as well (he was the evil prince from Princess Bride!) and he plays the evil Comte de Guiche here (always evil!). And I don't know about you - but the entire cast of the Princess Bride will always have a special place in my heart. All in all, it was a perfect night!! Almost.

As soon as I got out of the show I realized I had a text message from my friends who went to the movie. It said: You're going to be so pissed but John Mayer is here. Me: Damnit!! Why fate, why??!!

I mean in reality my night was totally great and I would've gone to Cyrano even knowing that one of my favorite musicians was at that movie screening. But still. Couldn't they have just gone to the movie and not have seen anyone I would love to meet? Anyways, after that I met my friend C at the W bar for drinks and then went home shortly felt like a very "New York" night (and I normally cringe when people use that expression). Anyways, If you're thinking of seeing a Broadway play, I do recommend Cyrano de Bergerac!
and if you want to know about "Walk Hard"? Ask John Mayer. Who knows, he probably blogged about it!

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