I thought everything went fine and I didn't feel the need to follow-up since I had received confirmation that it was sucessfully delivered. Enter my boss, on Friday morning, he was working from a meeting downtown but was on AIM, and he asked me "whatever happened with the tickets?" ( it was 4 Springsteen tickets that were in the package). I told him, "I sent that out on Wed. and Fedex said they delivered it on Thursday afternoon at 1:00 pm". All of the sudden my AIM started going crazy - my boss is all - 'what's the address you sent it to?', 'what's the tracking number?', 'are you sure you sent it correctly?'. I asked him if there was a problem and he IM'ed back- 'A' doesn't have them! I started to freak out a little bit (hence my post about anxiety), but I kept my cool, answered his questions and assured him Fedex delivered it.
So then, just to be the awesome, thorough employee I am, I called Fedex to follow-up and let them know there was a problem. The Fedex rep thoroughly apologized, went through the delivery with me and said they would start an inquiry with the courrier and let me know. I waited a couple of hours and hadn't heard anything. So I called back, and they did the same thing (apologized, went over deets), then they gave me one small piece of new info and said to call back when the courrier had reported to 'someone' specific. So I waited, and still nothing. Finally I called them back again and they said the person who received the report had gone home (what?!) and I should call back at 6:30pm (my job ends at 5:00pm) when the night person would be there. So I said I would, but I didn't - I went to a blogger Happy Hour and hung out with friends!! But I did email my boss to let him know the follow up I had done, and he (sadly) thanked me for being so diligent.
Cut to Monday morning. My boss came into my cube and very seriously explained that we needed those tickets, The recipient (A) checked his house and his neighbor's very carefully and couldn't find them. He also told me that 'A' had tons of scuba gear on his front porch which should ring a bell for the driver. So I said I would follow up, although to be honest, after the run
around I got on Friday, I didn't expect much. So I called Fedex, went through the apologies, the deets, and the "we can offer you $100.00 for the loss" (which means nothing to my Boss!). After that I basically told the rep the money was useless to me and then asked what else could be done, and then I just stayed on the line, unwilling to give up, and kept asking "what could be done?", until she finally said - "let me get my manager". YES!

The manager came on, and very bored-like asked me what the problem was. I told her, and I repeated the new information about A's porch being covered with Scuba gear. She sighed and said she would check with the driver and call me back. Honestly! Was that so hard?!
Cut to: An hour later - my boss comes running up, all "They found them!" I was thrilled! But where? My boss said the driver delivered them to the wrong house. Awesome. That guy has one job and he screws it up. I swear. So the lesson here is when dealing with call centers - if you don't get the answer you want, hang up and call right back to see if the next person will be able to help you, if not - the manager! is the best thing ever.
And so it all worked out - 'A' got the tix and went to the concert, and my boss was impressed with my follow-up. Yay!
I thought for sure it was going to be that the FedEx delivery person left the tickets inside of the scuba gear somewhere.
That would've been funny - but no. The driver just can't read and/or follow directions. :)
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