Thursday, October 25, 2007

Halloween Pressure

Sigh. It's that time again.

With celebrations coming up on Friday/this weekend and then ending on Wednesday night. It's the time I used to worship as a child...Halloween. I would literally count down the days 'til Halloween! I was so excited! Even if my costumes did suck - and I actually don't remember what I was ever - my Mom wasn't the photo-taking type. I would still rush home from school, change into my costume immediately and then bug anyone within reach to take my trick-or-treating.

At that time we lived on Air Force bases so we were allowed to go running around the neighborhood, as long as we didn't venture over to enlisted housing, or bug the Generals too much. It was obviously very safe and so we stayed out until it got dark, sometimes a little later. I remember the best house was General Schwarzkopf's house, he had two Doberman Pincers (very scary to a kid), but he gave out the best candy - full bars! Way better than bite-sized, so it was worth risking the dogs.

Anyways, after years of looking forward to this day, I find myself as an adult, dreading it. I hate the pressure to go out because, like New Years it's inevitably not as fun as it "should" be. I hate having to wear a cute costume (and for cute read: sexy), and I hate trying not to eat all the candy that is everywhere! I love being scared and watching scary/cheezy Halloween movies and even Halloween themed-TV shows. And, I like seeing other peoples costumes, I just don't like making a big "To Do" over it.

A task I've accomplished the past few years. Last year I went to see "The Rocky Horror Picture Show"(first time ever!), which was great, and the year before that I watched the East Village Parade for an hour or so, which was kind of lame. However, this year I have a friend coming in from Florida and she has already asked what we're doing. I just know she is expecting a wild "New York" night. Or something. Hopefully I will think of something fun to do that's not too much trouble for me. If you hear of anything let me know!

P.S. - Is anyone else extremely annoyed at the attention Halle Berry's "Jewish" comment has received? I just think it is really too much - our Nation is so scared to be un-PC. I hate to really go into it (because I'm scared too), but I really don't think she needed to apologize for her comment. Ok I have to stop now.

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