Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Dude! You're Getting a Margarita!

Two Posts in a row - woo! I thought I would just share my happenings last night. It was my roommate Lo's Birthday last night and so we all went to Tortilla Flats to play Margarita Bingo (I highly recommend it!) Anyways we were having a lovely time trashtalking the back table (who won like 3 times in a row - Conspiracy!!) when I noticed one of the waiters looked very familiar... I didn't really think about it though until I heard some whispering from the end of the table.

Lo's Male Friend: "There - in the yellow shirt"
Lo's Female Friend: "Ohhh - yeah!"

So I asked "Wait - what about that guy?"
Lo's Male Friend: "He's the guy from the Dell commercials - you know, 'Dude! You're gettin' a Dell!'"
Me: "Omigoodness! That's Crazy!"

So after some research on the 'ol interweb I discovered his name is Benjamin and he actually got caught with marijuana a couple of years back. But he is (apparently) still in school and was in an off-broadway play a year or so ago.

So, small world!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Since it Wuz Mine.....

So I had a crazy birthday! Actually it was probably crazier for how "not crazy it was!" Meaning - I didn't black out, I didn't vomit, and I didn't makeout with anyone! It was one of my most subdued Birthday's ever but I had a pretty fun time!

I rocked out at Izu Lounge with a bunch of friends (sans Blogger friends but oh well). I managed to sing "What I Like About You" (Lillix version), "Start of Something New" (from High School Musical - I did Zac's part), "Take Me or Leave Me" (from Rent), and finally "Since U Been Gone (Kelly Clarkson).

Actually there was some mild drama.... "Since U Been Gone" was my last song of the night and I new it was coming up so I had the mic already. I started singing "Here's the thing we started out friends... and this girl tried to take the mic away! all the while saying it was her song - but! I put the song in 2 hours ago (literally) and I had to go up to the DJ and tell her it never played (because other songs put in before mine had already gone) - so I knew it was mine!

So the whole time I was singing I kept having to fight her off like this:

"Here's the thing we started out friends,
It was cool but it was all pretend,
Yeah yeah,
Since U Been Gone..."

No it's my song!

"You dedicated you took the time
Wasn't long till I called you mine
Yeah Yeah
Since U Been Gone"

Seriously! I put this in 2 HOURS AGO!!

"And all you'd ever hear me say
Is how I pictured me with you
That's all you'd ever hear me say"

Oh?! And it's my BIRTHDAY! So BACK OFF!!!!!

I mean my timing might be a little off in the retelling - Basically I fit in a smackdown wherever I could - finally she left and started dancing with a small asian man. So she didn't really mess with my performance at all - but I was a little ticked at her persistance! A couple of my friends were jokingly worried that I was going to throwdown in the middle of the song!

Afterwards I walked by her booth where she was smack talking me to her friends, so I went over and was like "Listen, Honey! It really was mine ok? And you just tried to grab it from me! There was no "let's share" or "excuse me" - you just grabbed!" And she kind of laughed and was like ok, whatever - and then I blamed the DJ (who was really bad at losing slips that night) and she agreed with me on that one, and then I left!

I was definitely a little drunk at that point - but no one get's between me and my Clarkson!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

It's My Birthday!!

I'm one of those people that likes to be the center of attention - but only if I don't have to do anything, and it's not for too long, and it's not too embarassing. Ok, so maybe I don't like it that much :)

So this year I'm only doing low-key stuff, that way when things inevitably turn out not-the-way-I-planned, I won't care! Because it will be so.low.key.!! But I do have to say I was pleasantly met with some unexpected texts, and e-cards from some friends and my new cousin-in-law (love her!!). Which is always nice.

Also, I have a new TV obsession: Weeds! and I just discovered as I was baking my cake that my roomie Dave (who never watches TV), also loves it - so we totes bonded last night. Fun times.

And I want to tell Midwestern Gal - thanks for the memories!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Update on Friends

So.... my birthday is coming up this week and I am celebrating! I'm having a small gathering of really close friends during the week and then on Friday night I'm spending a (very) chill night at a Karaoke bar with whoever wants to come. Since the second night will basically just be an excuse to force my friends to sing in public, I invited everyone on my Myspace friendslist who is in Manhattan (as well as some nyc bloggers!).

Anyways, about a day after I sent the invite, A replied that she probably would be coming. She said she had been in FL for the past couple of weeks and would be coming back soon. So I guess that explains why she hasn't written back/called me? Except that, no - it doesn't....because she has an iPod phone, an iMac, and both a desktop computer and a landline in FL.....so whatever. I think at this point I have written her off as just a "friend" now, which is hard. So my expectations have to be lowered a lot (I expect a lot from my BF!). We'll see how it works out! And in the meantime, I guess I'll see her for my bday.... I'll update if anything else happens, but I hope for less drama :)

Friday, September 14, 2007


Today I feel like venting about roommates….but first; a brief rundown of my qualifications –

In less than 7 years I have lived with over 27 roommates. I have lived with almost every situation imaginable - I have lived alone, with one roommate, two, three, etc. until 5 rommates(That was/is my max). I have lived in the same room with a roommate, shared a bathroom, (i.e. basically lived on top of each other), but I have also have lived at times with my own room and completely different schedules so that we never see each other.

I have lived with all races/sexes including at one point (in paris), being the only person who spoke English and us all having to translate Russian/Japanese/French to have a conversation or to understand a phone message that was left (like in L'Auberge Espagnole)!

So – just to reiterate – I am great roommate, I have years of experience, and I think I have encountered almost every type of living style/personality quirk out there….which is why, one of my current roommates is mystifying me. He is. I am mystified!

My current situation lays out like this, I live with three actor/singer/dancers (I am not one), 2 are gay guys (who aren’t together) and one ia an awesome chica (straight as far as I know). So one of the guys – we’ll call him ‘Craig’ is moving out today. Our rent went up a couple of months ago and he has decided he would rather move to Astoria (where I used to live!) and pay less, than stay. Which is fine I get that, and actually we are all secretly happy because he is a bit difficult to live with. The weird thing is he can totally afford our apt. – he dances in a big Broadway show and is making a good chunk of change- but still he wants out.

What is mystifying me is that he acts all "green"/karmic and as if he has compassion/cares, and then when it comes down to something, he is always about the money. For example, the first day I moved in, Craig was shuffling some boxes into his new room and he asked me if I wanted his little 13" inch TV for my room since he had just gotten a flat-screen. I said “sure!”, I had just thrown my TV out because I too was going to upgrade, but I figured I should wait until I had my furniture placement set before I buy one. So I gladly took it off his hands and have been using it for about 5 months… because now I’m waiting for prices to come down/my paycheck to come up.

Anyways last week he came up and asked me how much I wanted to PAY him for the TV? I kind of stuttered and said that I didn’t need it since I was still going to upgrade soon, and that he could take it back, blah, blah, thanks for letting me use it, etc. - Still, it weighed on me that he expected me to pay for something he had practically thrown at me at one time. So, I very maturely just asked him what the deal was. I explained, I thought he was throwing it out and gave it to me, so that he wouldn’t have to deal with it. He said that no, in fact, he had always expected it back (lucky I didn’t upgrade during his vaycay!), but if I wanted it he was willing to cut a deal (like $20). I again, graciously thanked him but told him he could have it - $20 is way too much to pay for a fischer-price TV.

Meanwhile, yesterday he told Dave (our roommie) that if he wanted to keep the bathroom fixtures that he had installed, Dave would need to pay him (the full price!), before he moved out. Dave declined (because he could care less) and Craig completely stripped down their bathroom of the fixtures. All of this after a heated “pot” debate (the kitchen item not the drug) one night, in which Craig stated he would never buy something for the apartment and ask us all to chip in (rather, he would just pay outright for it). The fallout from the pots being that we ended up using Craig’s cheap Ikea pots (that we hated) over some really nice pots that Dave wanted us all to chip in for – that me and chica wanted. Ironically, Craig is neither taking the pots nor charging us for them – he left a message on the whiteboard last night that we can have them! Yay! Although I’ll probably make him throw them out – I hate when I roommate leaves his trash on move-out day!

Basically he cares until it costs him, and then he wants every red cent he can squeeze from you - and he's a liberal....

Also, while the roommies and I are all reasonably “green” – Craig takes things to a ridiculous level. Dave and I keep spotting the glade plug-in lying around various parts of the apt. (because we had been plugging it in whenever we found it out of the socket). Turns out Craig had been unplugging it to save energy!! -huh??

Too funny.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The New iPods....Just in Time for My Birthday!

My current iPod is a 40G, 4th gen device that is currently at capacity. That means I have about 9,000 songs, and yes, I listen to all of them. Everyday. Anyways, I have a ton of CDs and podcasts that I have been wanting to load but I hate the idea of having my collection spliced. Also, none of the other iPods were ever "great" enough to motivate me to buy a new one (I'm not made of muns!). Enter the iPod Touch! It has tons of space! It's thinner! More Battery! And I can play movies and surf the web (wi-fi!). I think this is what I'll be requesting for my upcoming birthday. Or at least help towards it.

For live-blogging updates on Apple's news conference - go here (Crave Blog on cnet.com).

Color me excited.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

My Labor Day weekend - an IM recap

So for this Labor Day weekend I flew down to Tampa where my parents live to visit with them and hang out. I haven't been home since February, but I was expecting lots of downtime, a little shopping, and a lot of food. Below is an excerpt of what happened as told to my friend LD...

Lynn (2:47:22 PM): hey lady
LD (2:47:38 PM): hey!
LD (2:47:44 PM): how was your trip home?
Lynn (2:48:03 PM): hmmmm....not as smooth as it could have been
LD (2:48:22 PM): oh no!
LD (2:48:24 PM): why?
Lynn (2:55:52 PM): well by friday my tooth was hurting so much that I had to track down a dentist who, after some sketchiness determined my filling was cracked in that tooth. So she drilled it out and replaced the filling (after two shots of novicaine!)....so I spent a lot of money on that, AND my tooth hurt from healing the rest of the weekend (and still kind of hurts now...I'm not entirely sure it's fixed)
Lynn (2:59:23 PM): and then later, we (my brother, mom, and me) were at home after kind of a long day and for some reason Pepper (our dog) acted like she had hurt her foot, so my mom checked it out but there was nothing there (splinter/sticker/bug)
Lynn (3:00:41 PM): still, 10 minutes later I watched as Pepper slowly walked into the island(the cabinets) and then kind of backed away oddly. I cried out for Kelly to see what was wrong (because I was the only one who saw her do it and was far away)
Lynn (3:02:11 PM): and Kelly looked at her leg again which caused her to move the rest of her body in this really awkward-looking "frog leg" way. When he put her leg back down she tried again to walk into the counter and then Kelly caught her as she fell (kind of like she was unconscious) to the ground.
Lynn (3:03:45 PM): at that point I was really upset and my Mom was there by her side too and Kelly picked her up and we all rushed to the vet. By the time we got there she was acting normally and the vet checked her up and down and said she had an idiopathic seizure...which means she is fine and she will be fine, it was just scary as all get out!

LD (3:03:57 PM): OMG!!!!!
LD (3:04:18 PM): that is NOT ok! i mean, it's ok b/c the vet said so, but i would have been losing it!
LD (3:04:33 PM): i was getting nervous just reading your messages
LD (3:04:55 PM): and i was nervous you were going to end the story really scary
LD (3:05:00 PM): i'm glad she's ok
LD (3:05:06 PM): but that is super super scary!!!
Lynn (3:06:11 PM): lol - I actually started getting upset again as I was writing it - because at the time, I was really scared! And since I was the only one who had been watching her and saw how wierd she had acted, I think I was the only one who thought she wasn't going to be ok, I definitely (against my control) started to (quietly) cry.
Lynn (3:06:37 PM): It was frustrating because both my mom/bro thought it was a snake/insect bite but I kept saying it looked like something was wrong with her brain!
Lynn (3:06:57 PM): I mean, I'm not medical - but I thought it was def. brain related!
Lynn (3:07:14 PM): anyways, for the rest of the weekend she was her normal playful self
Lynn (3:07:50 PM): I got to play with her in the pool (she likes to jump in and swim) and we had lots of belly rubbing time - when she would let me :) )

LD (3:08:21 PM): well that's good
LD (3:08:26 PM): puppy therapy!

Lynn (3:09:02 PM): but add together the tooth, the dog, the lack of air conditioning (in Florida heat!) and my brother's girlfirend/new life kind of getting in the way (she was nice - but they live so far away) and my mother's neuroses in full gear - and it was not the best weekend - it was ok - it had it's good moments
Lynn (3:09:31 PM): When we were driving to the airport my dad asked if I was sad or glad to go back and I said....so glad!!!! So glad. He said that was good

LD (3:10:06 PM): yay! That is good
LD (3:10:12 PM): see--that is why I never go home
LD (3:10:21 PM): (that and the lack of $ for plane tix)

Lynn (3:11:38 PM): for reals....man! I don't think it was ever quite that bad going back.....but this time left me exhausted - I think this year I am not going to go back for Thanksgiving for a full week (or at all depending on what they do) - do you go back for Thanksgiving?
LD (3:11:45 PM): no
LD (3:11:50 PM): i have only ever gone back twice

Lynn (3:18:29 PM): hmm. Also, on the fun side of this weekend - I watched "Who Killed the Electric Car", "Bringing up Baby" (with K.Hepburn) and "Night At the Opera" (Marx Brothers) - Interesting flicks all!

And then LD got pulled away....When thinking of what to post on the weekend, I thought that was a pretty good recounting of what happened. The whole weekend was really disruptive. It was mainly due to all of the work my parents were having done on the house (old furniture out, new furniture in, a/c repairmen, etc.) we kept having to stay home to wait for these people. And then we had to go to dinner at my brother's house (which is two hours away) it was a lot of waiting around and going back and forth when all I really wanted to do was actually sit and have a conversation with my family! Or play raquetball. I love playing raquetball with my dad - but he had to work on both Friday and Saturday and the rest of the weekend was all planned out so it was really hard to do anything "I" wanted to do. And my poor dog!! After her seizure I didn't want to leave her alone but she really was fine the rest of the weekend. I think this post was mostly ramblings. Sorry about that. But I am glad to be back...

P.S. - I didn't post from my parents computer since I'm still wary of what happened to dmbmeg.
P.P.S. - Apparently everyone had awesome weekends except me!