Saturday, August 25, 2007

Recap Friday (Belatedly posted on Saturday)

Every Friday I want to go back over the week and meditate on how everything went I’ll mainly be focusing on big categories such as: work, health, friends, or dates (eep!). But if something else should occur that needs meditation. So be it.

So, as I may or may not have said, this was my first week on the job at an unnamed Music Label. I’m only a temp there, but I hope very much to become a full-time employee in the next year or so (I’m willing to pay my dues!). I think it went pretty well, I am the administrative assistant to two execs in the Global 'something or other' dept. Anyways, they are both really great so far- They answer their own phones (unless on a call or away), manage (for the most part) their own calendars, and are genuinely laid-back guys. Excellent! We’ll see how next week goes….

Checking in on my workouts – I stumbled a bit in the beginning of the week but I managed to get back on track and made it to the gym on Tues, Wed, Thurs, and today (at 6:00 am!).

Monday I was thrown off track by a good friend’s Birthday party, we completely took over the second floor of Duplex. We started the night with mild drinking and top 40s and before long it was shots all around and a very loud and rambunctious dance party to tunes like “Blue Suede Shoes”, “ Hound Dog” , “Charlie Brown”, and various songs with the word ‘twist’ in them – it was hilarious! And I have to say, I’ve never danced so hard than to those songs – there was twisting and jumping, a little shuffling of the feet; it was intense! Comparatively we put on Britney Spears right after (for my friend), and it was just so…tame. It was slower and just not as frenzied – hmm. Anyways, Duplex was lots of fun, I would definitely go back!

Everything else was good, I’m still completely immersed in my Office (the TV show) obsession, I’ve been re-watching season 2 whenever I have a chance. And I saw “Becoming Jane” last night – I cried for the last 20 minutes, it was pretty great.

Last Note: I have to remember to post about my friend ‘A’ – she recently removed me from her top friends on myspace and I have no idea why (or if I should care).

More to follow….


Nicole said...

Good luck with week 2 at unnamed Music Label!

Irish and Jew said...

myspace dramaz, i love it!

My best friend's is getting married. Her soon to be sister in law blocked both her and me on myspace, and is no longer coming to the wedding! Myspace ruins relationships! :)
