Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Myspace Drama (?) Part One

I’m not even sure I should call it that since I don’t know if my friend knows what she did (she is a little Myspace illiterate). But here goes anyways. Last week as I was browsing through some of my friends Myspace pages I noticed that A had removed me from her top friends. Like I said, I don't know if this means anything because I think she just adjusted the number of her top friends (from 16 to 9) and I was pushed out due to that. However for the sake of comprehension, let's have a little backstory shall we?

To start at the beginning; this girl(A), has been my bff since we were placed as random roommates for our Freshman year in college. Well, we liked living together sooo much that we lived together Sophomore year too. And we’ve been Best Friends ever since….kind of.

The wierd thing about us is that whenever we aren’t living together and each of us gets really busy, we kind of disappear off each other’s radars – which usually I’m fine with (Although I do miss her when that happens). I’m just not really one of those girls who can call another girl on the phone and chat about my day – unless something huge happened of course. But it usually doesn’t, and so when friends call me to “chat” I get really awkward and bored and try to think of a reason to get off the phone. So anyways that’s how me and A are – BUT I always expect a bff to respond to a “distress signal” – similar to the bat signal – it means you have to get going and help the citizens of Gotham friend in need ASAP. That is my one requirement of any bff, nay, friend.

And so 5 years later, when A called me from NYC and told me she would be moving shortly to Williamsburg and would have an extra room…I jumped. She asked me to move in and it was great, well not great, but I was in New York and things were just beginning! Unfortunately our friendship didn’t blossom under this new roof. We had completely different schedules (she was a waitress at Nobu which meant late nights) and I was actually unemployed/looking (which is never fun). So we barely saw each other, and when we did, it was always us going out with her friends (because I had none up here yet). And there were other obstacles too, we were living with a backstabbing third roommate determined to make A drop me and be her best friend, (WTF?!) a newish boyfriend (whom she now lives with), and a very adorable dog, whom she would often leave at home for the weekend and expect me to take care of, which I always did(what else could I do?!). But I wasn’t very happy, we ended up only living in Billyburg (blech!) for about three months due to steep rent and parted ways. When it came time to move, things got rocky.....

More to follow

1 comment:

Irish and Jew said...

Ughhh I hate cliffhangers!!!!
