Monday, June 30, 2008
Monday, March 3, 2008
I Had A Dream Last Night...
I had a dream last night, I was walking through a house that I'd never been in before, but I knew that it was my old Sorority House. No one was there and it was really dark, and I kept opening up doors looking for something. I opened up one door to a small room and parts of it were on fire, there was a lot of clutter and "things" that were burning quietly in the room, I watched the flames for a moment and then left to try to find something to extinguish it.
At first I wasn't alarmed but then I found three more rooms that had "things" burning in them and so I called 911 - I had trouble dialing at first because of the keylock on my phone (which was still active in my dream) but I got through eventually. I told the operator that the house was on fire and they needed to hurry. After I hung up I found a bucket and I filled it with water (the bucket wasn't that big) and I went to the first room and threw the water inside and the room stopped burning. I did that three more times and everything was out.
When the Fire dept. showed up, I went to the front door to meet them and I told them I put out a lot of it, but I wanted them to do a check just in case. Now that I was in the front part of the house I saw that it had been converted into a convenience store/gas station and there were people waiting to check out. I opened up the register system, ready for business, but I was still partially dealing with the FD and people kept jumping the line, so I really calmly kept telling different people where they needed to stand to get served. And everyone just did what I told them. I somehow learned that the reason so many people were there to check-out was because earlier there had been a robbery of the house and the girl who had been at the front went home (or maybe to the police station - the dream didn't tell me). I also never got around to helping the people in the store because I knew somehow that they weren't important. So I went back into the main part of the house and followed up with the FD and then I woke up.
It was weird, but kind of a pleasing dream. And below is an analysis of it - significant parts in bold.
Depending on the context of your dream, to see fire in your dream can symbolizes destruction, passion, desire, illumination, transformation, enlightenment, or anger. It may suggest that something old is passing and something new is entering your life. Your thoughts and views are changing. In particular, if the fire is under control or contained in one area, it is a metaphor of your own internal fire and inner transformation. It also represents your drive and motivation. To dream of that you are being burned by fire, indicates that your temper is getting out of control. Some issue or situation is burning you up inside.
To dream that a house is on fire, indicates that you need to undergo some transformation. If you have recurring dreams of your family house on fire, then it suggests that you are still not ready for the change or that you are fighting against the change. Alternatively, it highlights passion and the love of those around you.
To dream that you put out a fire, signifies that you will overcome your obstacles in your life through much work and effort.
I don't know if I consider my Sorority House a "Family House" since I never lived there and I only really bonded with like 3 girls..... but I dig the tranformation portents - bring it on!
Saturday, February 23, 2008
The Day I Got Into the SNL Live Show - Hosted by Tina Fey!
And that's when I started putting it all together, I realized that the weather was wreaking havoc on most of the nation's travel plans (a point the local newsman kept making before each commercial break). I also realized that Saturday, Feb. 23rd was the first SNL show back from the strike that lasted three months. Finally, I realized that with the crappy weather making it difficult for locals and tourists alike to wait/arrive for the show, and with the really short notice SNL would give their Lottery winners (picked every August), I realized I actually had a chance of getting in with standby tickets...
So I did it. I went to bed realllly early (9:45pm maybe?) and got up reallly early at 4:30 am. I drug a lawn chair and an umbrella (ella ella - sorry) out to 48th and 6th and I waited for two hours in the snow/rain until I got my number - 42. 42!!! Are you kidding? The first time I waited in line (for Brian Williams) I was number 35...
No way was I getting in at 42. But I did! Somehow I was actually the very last person they let up. A bunch of hopeful standbyees and I were waiting at the elevators for the go ahead when the page asked for numbers 39 and 40 (who were def not there as I very well knew). Finally he realized that and took 41 and 42 (me!) instead! I didn't see anyone else come after me. I was seated right smack in the middle of the seats above the ground seats you see in monologues, and I was right behind Meghan Mullaly. And I was sooooo excited. After the show Meghan talked to Darrell Hammond for like 3 minutes right in front of my seat...

But anyways, the show was amazing! Tina Fey was great, and Steve Martin and Mike Huckabee (random!) were there. I'm really glad I got in because it's been a dream of mine to see the show ever since I moved here. I'll definitely do standby again, only maybe next time I'll wait until it's warmer.
P.S. -I drink up your milkshake!!!