Thursday, August 30, 2007

Longest Post Ever: AKA Myspace Drama (?) Part Two:

This all resulted in her deciding that she didn’t want to/couldn’t live with me. That would have been fine too except we had been looking at apartments together for about 4 weeks and were about 2 weeks from our move-out date. And! the night she chose to let me know of her new decision? My Birthday! That was a fun night….I could barely see my drinks through my puffy eyes. I apologize, because I don’t mean to be drfrmatic and I think now I would be much more calm about it now, but she was literally my only friend up here, I didn’t know the area, I had no job, and I had no idea what I was doing. I almost called my parents and got on a flight that same weekend. But I didn’t. A and I got in a little fight (through email) where I confronted her about what went wrong (the third evil roommate, the dog, the boyfriend, etc.) and we basically got over it.

We continued that first year with frequent emails and phone calls. I can even remember calling her from a hellish-Holiday cruise I was on with 11 members of my immediate family, just to hear a friendly voice (the cruise was not going well). We were getting along great! When she and her boyfriend left for a month to road-trip and go to Sundance for the festival I made her little road-trip presents (mix tapes/snacks). When she got back we hung out a little bit more; watching out favorite TV shows (Veronica Mars/The Office) and going to our Alumni bar to watch our b-ball games.

Then things fell apart again. I think it had been building for a while but I just wanted to ignore it. Long story short - it was basically that on the most important night of my year– the NCAA championships (don’t laugh) – she chose to invite everyone to her house instead of the bar we had been gathering at for the entire college basketball season. When I asked if the 3 friends I had actually managed to make in that time could come, she said ‘no’ because her apt. wasn’t big enough. Huh. So I told her I probably wouldn’t be able to make it, since my other 3 friends were still counting on me to save the table (which were scarce). She still went ahead with it – no one came to her house (because it’s tiny and in Queens!) and only my friends showed up at the bar with me (because her’s knew she wouldn’t be there).

So it was a stupid, random thing that set me off but it just kind of highlighted her faults and even still, I tried to reconcile with her at the time. But she wouldn’t return my calls, and when we finally met face to face to talk about everything, she came to the conclusion that everything bad in our friendship was my fault, these were all ‘my’ issues and I should probably just admit that and then we could go back to being friends. I said no, I wouldn’t and that I didn’t know what I was supposed to do with that – I told her I would call her when I figured it out. I didn’t call her back for about 6 or 7 months.

Finally (around Thanksgiving) I called and left a message saying that I missed her and wanted to talk to her. She called me back; she said she missed me too and that she was really glad that I called her. So we forged another (less stable) friendship. We saw each other less than ever (mainly because I didn’t call her every week like I used to) and when we did see each other it wasn’t (to me) as much fun. Still – every now and then I would call for advice or visa versa and it would be how it was.

Recently she wanted me to meet her new (gay) friend J, she said I would “love” him!
J is a co-worker she met over the summer at her old job. He is her number one friend on myspace (her boyfriend isn’t on – he’s a little older). Anyways, I agreed, and was excited to meet this new important person in her life. We all met to see the premiere of the Simpsons movie (which was awesome)! But here is where it gets tricky (and stupid). I’m the type of person who likes to sit through the entire end credits. I don’t even read them, I just hate how everyone in a movie immediately leaps up out of their seats and starts slowly moving toward the (bottlenecked) exits like cattle! No thank you. I prefer to sit, and digest what I’ve just seen, I talk to the person with me about the film – it’s nice, try it!

However, I also realize that when in a group sometimes you don’t always get to do what you want to do. So we sat there after the film for about 5 minutes, we saw some of the extra stuff at the end, and then A was all – “shall we go? Do you guys….want ….to leave?” In this tone that was more like “Why haven’t you guys gotten up yet?” So I said “sure let’s go!” and we all three got up and moved out of the chairs onto the stairs leading to the exits. All of the sudden we stopped. I was still watching the screen but I was wondering why we weren’t moving so I looked down to see both A and J both standing in the middle of the stairs with their phones out, scrolling through their text messages. I was a little shocked (I guess I shock easy). I really hate phones in the theatre – almost at any time, also – they were blocking the people behind us! So I said “Hey guys are we gonna go? Or check our phones?” in a normal tone. A whipped around and snapped “Lynn! You can’t just talk to people like that, can’t you just wait?!”. I was again, shocked. She was the one who told me to get up! So I just stepped around them both and calmly walked out, slowly enough for them to follow. When we got outside I had a message from my brother so I checked it and plaintively ignored them. I was determined not to let that ruin the night though, so I hung up and we discussed where we were going next.

They threw out some ideas, but almost all of them meant spending about $20 more and getting food – it was 11:30 at night(!) – if I was going to spend anymore money – it would have been on Vodka. I said something to that effect, but they assured me they didn’t want to drink. So I peaced out (nicely) and went home. About a week ago I realized A had cut me out of her top “myspace” friends and about two days ago (the 27th), I realized I haven’t heard from A since that night (of the Simpsons). So I sent her an email that very lightly chided us both for not being in better touch. I said we should hang out, and I told her to call me – all in good cheer! Well, I haven’t heard from her since then and it’s been 4 days. At this point, I’m kind of tired of the whole thing, but I thought I would throw it out there and see what other people thought. Should I call/email A again to hang out – or to really end things? Or should I just leave it alone again and wait for another 8 months to pass….

Honestly, I’ve never heard of people behaving this way – and she has an iPhone so she has gotten the email. But on the other hand – this is best friend from my Freshman year of college! Such relationships don’t die easily, nor should they, I believe.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Myspace Drama (?) Part One

I’m not even sure I should call it that since I don’t know if my friend knows what she did (she is a little Myspace illiterate). But here goes anyways. Last week as I was browsing through some of my friends Myspace pages I noticed that A had removed me from her top friends. Like I said, I don't know if this means anything because I think she just adjusted the number of her top friends (from 16 to 9) and I was pushed out due to that. However for the sake of comprehension, let's have a little backstory shall we?

To start at the beginning; this girl(A), has been my bff since we were placed as random roommates for our Freshman year in college. Well, we liked living together sooo much that we lived together Sophomore year too. And we’ve been Best Friends ever since….kind of.

The wierd thing about us is that whenever we aren’t living together and each of us gets really busy, we kind of disappear off each other’s radars – which usually I’m fine with (Although I do miss her when that happens). I’m just not really one of those girls who can call another girl on the phone and chat about my day – unless something huge happened of course. But it usually doesn’t, and so when friends call me to “chat” I get really awkward and bored and try to think of a reason to get off the phone. So anyways that’s how me and A are – BUT I always expect a bff to respond to a “distress signal” – similar to the bat signal – it means you have to get going and help the citizens of Gotham friend in need ASAP. That is my one requirement of any bff, nay, friend.

And so 5 years later, when A called me from NYC and told me she would be moving shortly to Williamsburg and would have an extra room…I jumped. She asked me to move in and it was great, well not great, but I was in New York and things were just beginning! Unfortunately our friendship didn’t blossom under this new roof. We had completely different schedules (she was a waitress at Nobu which meant late nights) and I was actually unemployed/looking (which is never fun). So we barely saw each other, and when we did, it was always us going out with her friends (because I had none up here yet). And there were other obstacles too, we were living with a backstabbing third roommate determined to make A drop me and be her best friend, (WTF?!) a newish boyfriend (whom she now lives with), and a very adorable dog, whom she would often leave at home for the weekend and expect me to take care of, which I always did(what else could I do?!). But I wasn’t very happy, we ended up only living in Billyburg (blech!) for about three months due to steep rent and parted ways. When it came time to move, things got rocky.....

More to follow

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Recap Friday (Belatedly posted on Saturday)

Every Friday I want to go back over the week and meditate on how everything went I’ll mainly be focusing on big categories such as: work, health, friends, or dates (eep!). But if something else should occur that needs meditation. So be it.

So, as I may or may not have said, this was my first week on the job at an unnamed Music Label. I’m only a temp there, but I hope very much to become a full-time employee in the next year or so (I’m willing to pay my dues!). I think it went pretty well, I am the administrative assistant to two execs in the Global 'something or other' dept. Anyways, they are both really great so far- They answer their own phones (unless on a call or away), manage (for the most part) their own calendars, and are genuinely laid-back guys. Excellent! We’ll see how next week goes….

Checking in on my workouts – I stumbled a bit in the beginning of the week but I managed to get back on track and made it to the gym on Tues, Wed, Thurs, and today (at 6:00 am!).

Monday I was thrown off track by a good friend’s Birthday party, we completely took over the second floor of Duplex. We started the night with mild drinking and top 40s and before long it was shots all around and a very loud and rambunctious dance party to tunes like “Blue Suede Shoes”, “ Hound Dog” , “Charlie Brown”, and various songs with the word ‘twist’ in them – it was hilarious! And I have to say, I’ve never danced so hard than to those songs – there was twisting and jumping, a little shuffling of the feet; it was intense! Comparatively we put on Britney Spears right after (for my friend), and it was just so…tame. It was slower and just not as frenzied – hmm. Anyways, Duplex was lots of fun, I would definitely go back!

Everything else was good, I’m still completely immersed in my Office (the TV show) obsession, I’ve been re-watching season 2 whenever I have a chance. And I saw “Becoming Jane” last night – I cried for the last 20 minutes, it was pretty great.

Last Note: I have to remember to post about my friend ‘A’ – she recently removed me from her top friends on myspace and I have no idea why (or if I should care).

More to follow….

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Lyric Controversy and Lost Wallets...

One of my big things about having this blog is that I was always going to mainly use it to catalog my life and not worry about readership or what people would care about. Which is kind of why I told Jew of I didn't want to have a blog at all now that other bloggers knew my real identity. But anyways, my point is - if I blog something boring I don't care - this is for me!

So today I had two unique problems, The first was that I forgot my wallet at home and only realized when I was about 20 minutes away. I figured I was just going to starve all day, but then I found 5 dollars in my purse -yes! I was set - I mean I brought my little snack and everything so I should've been fine. However, I am a huge coffee drinker and I had to get an iced coffee. That brought me down to $3.50 total. No biggie. At lunch time I strolled over to my huge new employer’s cafe to see whatever I could get with $4.47 which is what I had with change. Luckily the veggie burger w/fries was only 4.45 and there was no tax. Unluckily, the burger dude put tomatoes on without asking and apparently sliced tomatoes cost $.40 cents. So I got up there and was about .35 cents short and standing in front of some of the higher ups... I was just a little embarrassed!! But the cashier took pity on me and waved me through.

My second little issue was more of a crisis of conscience. I just started working at a Music Label which is what I've wanted to do since I moved up to New York. So anyway, I pretty much love music, and I love learning new stuff/back-stories on songs. Today somebody mentioned something about the song "Sweet Home Alabama" and how it was rather odd that they used it for a KFC commercial. I was sitting in my cube thinking "Why is that wierd? - it's a southern food!" (My family is totally from the South). So I googled – this and it brought up a number of sites/blogs that have discussed the potential racist lyrics of the song.

Lyrics in Question:

Well I heard mister Young sing about her
Well, I heard ole Neil put her down
Well, I hope Neil Young will remember
A Southern man don't need him around anyhow


In Birmingham they love the governor
Now we all did what we could do
Now Watergate does not bother me
Does your conscience bother you?
Tell the truth

Apparenly “A Southern Man” is a Neil Young song…and if you misinterpret the lyrics it sounds like Lynard Skynard is hating on Neil’s Song which makes them racist. But their not, there is stuff in the background and deeper meanings and blah, blah, blah notracist, blah. I don't want to just reiterate what they say so I will direct you to here ------ Here are some links in case you don’t believe me though:

Wikipedia page and a disagreeing page

I went through a 10 minute period reading all of that a little scared that the song I enjoyed singing at the top of my lungs in dark bars was completely non-pc. I mean, whatever! I'm pretty liberal and I don't care too much if a song is offensive sometimes but - the way a couple of sites put it Lynard Skynard were complete racists or something. It's completely not true! But I was just surprised because I had never really listened to the lyrics, and I never heard about any sort of controversy...

End mini crisis of conscience.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

I Love Karaoke: Review of 2nd on 2nd

One thing everyone should know about me is that I love to sing. I sing early and often - because of this, I love to karaoke. I have a group of friends that share this love and we have been to a lot of Karaoke Bars in NYC to suss out the best locations. Last night we went to 2nd on 2nd for a friend's Birthday Party and tried out their Karaoke.

Ultimately the verdict was that we need to keep looking. While we appreciated the spotlight and center-stage effect of the bar, the song book left something to desire (no "Since U Been Gone?!!), the drinks were kind of expensive for what they were, and the talent/entertainment beyond our group was non-existent.

So far we really like Izu Lounge for their extensive books, great mix of singers/silly/awesome people/ and their overall vibe. Unfortunately, their mics kind of suck and their Bartenders patrol the requests so they are spaced out more evenly. This is fine normally, but they will bump people in front of you even if you've been waiting for an hour already. Not cool.

So.... 2nd on 2nd was ok, but not great, I would go back there again but I probably wouldn't recommend it to anyone. On that same note (pun intended). If anyone knows of a good K-bar please let me know!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Inaugural Post

This is my first post on a blog that I have had for about 6 months – I originally started the blog as a way to put in my “Jem” Avatar to post comments on Midwesterner in nyc’s blog. That led to me hanging out with other commentators and they made me feel like a loser for not actually posting on my non-blog.

So! after careful thought and analysis, I've decided to begin posting on my blog. What I really want from my blog is just a place to record things that are actually going on in my life. So my blog will be less social commentary and more mundane records of my existence. I think we’re off to a fantastic start!

Recently I have been occupied with two things. The first is to secure a job – I recently left (aka was let go of) a job at a very cool and hip hair company. I was a long-term temp in their Education department, which basically means I was like every other full-time employee there except with no benefits. So after my time there was ended I basically shifted in to a week of depression, followed by approx 3 weeks of self-renewal and determination. I temped shortly at some media companies and finally, today, I have gotten a long-term temp gig at a music company that I am absolutely thrilled about. I actually moved up to New York to work for this Company so….this is a great day!

My second obsession as of late has been my health, or particularly, my lack of. Growing up I was a competitive swimmer and would spend about 20-24 hours in the pool every week. Currently I am a gymrat, because I like working out! Really! But lately I have been phoning it in and as a result, I am less than my best. So, as boring as it may be – I will be documenting my health journey here as well. Like today for instance I have not yet been to the gym and I am dy-ing because I really want to watch So You Think You Can Dance – It’s the Finale!!

And with that, I will sign off on my first official post. More to follow.